Presentación Megaproyectos Programa Magistrales Sesiones Técnicas Sesiones ICTI
MEPDG-AASHTO EXPO Vial Auspicio Beneficios Inscripción Preguntas

Agradecimiento Expositores Expo Vial y Transporte MEPDG Premiación Varios
ICG (Instituto de la Construcción y Gerencia) e iSMARTi (international Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport infrastructures) durante el desarrollo del "XXI VIAL Congreso Internacional de Infraestructura Vial & Expo Vial y Transporte® 2024" otorgaron reconocimientos a las valiosas contribuciones de profesionales, empresas e instituciones para el desarrollo de la Infraestructura Vial y Transporte.

Premiación comunicada por iSMARTi a comunidad internacional, ver documento aqui

August 30, 2024

Dear members and friends,

Subject: Congratulations to the 2024 iSMARTi Award Recipients

With our sincere appreciation for their exceptional service to the International Society of Maintenance and Transport Infrastructure, please join me in congratulating the iSMARTi awards recipients for 2024:

Regional Awards:
XXI VIAL International Road Infrastructure Congress & Expo Road and Transport, Lima, Perú, August 16-17, 2024)

Global Awards:
  • Lifetime Awards: Tien Fang Fwa, Rita Moura Fortes
  • Founder Legacy Honor Award: Paulo Pereyra, João Merighi, Alan Woodside
  • Chairperson Excellence Award: Paulo Pereyra, Jorge Pais
  • Vice President of the Year Award: Angel Gómez
Congratulations to all the award recipients for their remarkable contributions and achievements.

Best regards
Carlos M. Chang, Ph.D., P.E.
President, iSMARTi
Chair, IRF Asset Management
Associate Professor & Advisory Board Liaison, FIU-CEE
Florida international University

International Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructures

President of iSMARTi
Carlos M. Chang, Ph.D. P.E.
Florida International University

Executive Vice President of iSMARTi
Ghim Ping Ong, Ph.D.
National University of Singapore

Board of Governors

Vice President Europe
Massimo Losa
University of Pisa

Asia Far East Countries
Tien Fang Fwa, Ph.D.
National University of Singapore

Vice President North America
Hosin “David” Lee, Ph.D.
University of Iowa

Vice President Central America
Benjamin Colucci, Ph.D.
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Puerto Rico

Vice President South America
Angel Gomez, Eng
Instituto de la Construccion y Gerencia, ICG

Vice President China
Han Sen Chang’an
University of China

Vice President South Asia
Krishna Prapoorna Biligiri
India Institute of Technology Tirupati

Country Representatives:

Jorge Pais, Ph.D.
University of Minho

Rita Moura Fortes, Ph.D.
Federal Institute of São Paulo

Christiane Raab, Ph.D.
Bern University of Applied Sciences

Susan L. Tighe, Ph.D.
McMaster University

Agradecimiento Expositores Expo Vial y Transporte MEPDG Premiación Varios